31lucass shots:
31lucass shots:
31lucass shots:
Saw her @ Adrianne ho #kodakultramax400 #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
Happy hour #kodakultramax400 #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
Tourist #kodakultramax400 #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
throwback travel photo #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
throwback travel photo #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
throwback travel photo #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
Throwback images #portra400
31lucass shots:
throwback travel Seoul filmphotography #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
#korea #seoul #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
#korea #seoul #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
korea streephoto #throwback #35mmfilm
31lucass shots:
bugis plus #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
Tourist meeting #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
sit alone #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
friend & friend have fun #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
alone with river #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
Tourist alone #filmphotograph#filmphotography
31lucass shots:
All white hair #filmphotograph#filmphotography
31lucass shots:
Tourist alone #filmphotograph #filmphotograph#filmphotography
31lucass shots:
ferryboat #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
ferry boat #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
ferry boat #filmphotography
31lucass shots:
boat passenger
31lucass shots:
boat passenger
31lucass shots:
boat passenger
31lucass shots:
batam streephoto
31lucass shots:
batam streetphoto