pawightm (Patricia):
End of November on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
Bougainvillea drapes over the limestone wall
pawightm (Patricia):
Back when . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
October on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
On the shady side of the street! Shaded side garden
pawightm (Patricia):
It takes a tough plant to live here
pawightm (Patricia):
Atop the native stone retaining wall
pawightm (Patricia):
Ant inspection . . . or: Everything's bigger in Texas!
pawightm (Patricia):
Part of what I see from my kitchen window
pawightm (Patricia):
Ready for lift-off!
pawightm (Patricia):
Dinner date?
pawightm (Patricia):
Confederate Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
pawightm (Patricia):
Eclectic! Four roses in this mixed border
pawightm (Patricia):
Roses on the limestone ledge in the late afternoon
pawightm (Patricia):
Roses in the rain
pawightm (Patricia):
On the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
Native columbine nods over the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
Under wraps now
pawightm (Patricia):
Four years is a long time in a garden
pawightm (Patricia):
I wonder about that tall yellow green thing in the foreground . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
'Elephant Ear' . . . funny name for such a gorgeous bloom
pawightm (Patricia):
Hibiscus in mixed border on limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
I don't have a view . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
After flooding rains on limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
August afternoon on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
August afternoon on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
Inside looking out
pawightm (Patricia):
Late July on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
Backyard border at dusk
pawightm (Patricia):
I hate it when seed gets between my toes!