pawightm (Patricia):
Brazilian Plume Flower in November
pawightm (Patricia):
I've been waiting for these!
pawightm (Patricia):
Two or three days ago . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
Like little autumn bells
pawightm (Patricia):
Taking stock . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
One last look?
pawightm (Patricia):
Yesterday . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
It's hard to tell the butterfly from the leaf!
pawightm (Patricia):
Biggest one I've ever seen!
pawightm (Patricia):
A Sulphur butterfly on Firespike (Odontenema strictum)
pawightm (Patricia):
Variegated Fritillary in my November garden
pawightm (Patricia):
Lovely autumn light on Sulphur butterfly
pawightm (Patricia):
Late autumn - winter blooms
pawightm (Patricia):
Stocking the pantry, one acorn at a time . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
Clouded Sulphur butterfly . . . like quicksilver
pawightm (Patricia):
Sulphurs . . . more like quicksilver
pawightm (Patricia):
Sulphur butterflies in my back yard
pawightm (Patricia):
Still brightening the days . . . Queen Butterfly
pawightm (Patricia):
The day before December . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
'Shishi Gashira' Camellia sasanqua
pawightm (Patricia):
So pretty! Barleria cristata (Philippine Violet)
pawightm (Patricia):
An attention-getter in November garden
pawightm (Patricia):
Joy on wings . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
A scene from November . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
Firespike and variegated schefflera in shade garden
pawightm (Patricia):
Beautiful blue Salvia sagittata
pawightm (Patricia):
Hibiscus acetosella buds
pawightm (Patricia):
Back when . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
Skipper on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia):
Where is he now?