pawightm (Patricia):
A melancholy mood . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
Aubade . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
The circus from my kitchen window
pawightm (Patricia):
The heavy heart cries out . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
Flight stop
pawightm (Patricia):
Many moons?
pawightm (Patricia):
I can't throw them away
pawightm (Patricia):
In my kitchen greenhouse window . . . frost preparation casualties
pawightm (Patricia):
Nothing left but the memory
pawightm (Patricia):
Sweet little boy in the window
pawightm (Patricia):
Andy Warhol wannabe?
pawightm (Patricia):
Reflecting on the nature of things . . .
pawightm (Patricia):
pawightm (Patricia):
A bloom from my new variegated hibiscus
pawightm (Patricia):
Do birds have negative thoughts?
pawightm (Patricia):
Black and white . . . . . but life isn't