pawightm (Patricia): Mostly old friends here
pawightm (Patricia): Skipper prefers a good nap to a good book
pawightm (Patricia): The soul of a room?
pawightm (Patricia): Library area
pawightm (Patricia): Even the gargoyle reads!
pawightm (Patricia): Get comfy with a good book
pawightm (Patricia): A good book, a good meal, good company
pawightm (Patricia): A corner of my office
pawightm (Patricia): A corner of my office
pawightm (Patricia): I spend a lot of time in my office . . .
pawightm (Patricia): Do you read in bed?
pawightm (Patricia): Library cat -- Luna climbs on stacks of books
pawightm (Patricia): Will the eReader make this obsolete?
pawightm (Patricia): Antique books on concrete pedestal
pawightm (Patricia): Books in the dining room
pawightm (Patricia): Hidden kitchen
pawightm (Patricia): A room without books is a room without a soul
pawightm (Patricia): A little treasure in my library
pawightm (Patricia): Even gargoyles like a good book!
pawightm (Patricia): Golden yellow cattleya orchids -- the last remains of gift bouquet
pawightm (Patricia): World Book Day - March 5
pawightm (Patricia): When it rains, it pours! Books and rain don't mix.