pawightm (Patricia): November late afternoon on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia): Succulents in clay bowl on limestone chair
pawightm (Patricia): Suspicious visitor
pawightm (Patricia): Ephemeral treasures!
pawightm (Patricia): Through the kitchen window on a rainy, rainy day
pawightm (Patricia): Green butterflies?
pawightm (Patricia): Mockingbird in the rain
pawightm (Patricia): For the people of Paris
pawightm (Patricia): Soft colors in the border
pawightm (Patricia): November standouts!
pawightm (Patricia): Magenta chrysanthemums -- day brighteners!
pawightm (Patricia): Thunderstorm rolling in
pawightm (Patricia): Little female anole on Hibiscus acetosella leaf
pawightm (Patricia): Coleus 'Henna' and 'Pineapple Sun'
pawightm (Patricia): Red in my garden
pawightm (Patricia): October on the limestone ledge
pawightm (Patricia): 'Sunny Wind' tropical hibiscus
pawightm (Patricia): Gulf Fritillary on bougainvillea
pawightm (Patricia): Lemon season!
pawightm (Patricia): When everything is in a whirl, just stand still
pawightm (Patricia): An old red barn along the road in autumn
pawightm (Patricia): Just before sundown on Lake Glenville
pawightm (Patricia): When it rains, it pours! Books and rain don't mix.
pawightm (Patricia): Back home . . . local color!
pawightm (Patricia): Mirror Lake reflections
pawightm (Patricia): Bartram Trail Overlook -- a bit early for peak color
pawightm (Patricia): Looking Glass Falls -- Pisgah National Forest
pawightm (Patricia): Sedum spectabile 'Stardust'
pawightm (Patricia): Sweetheart ponders the meaning of life . . .