JPedroso Photography: Dawn@Moínho da Mourisca
JPedroso Photography: Moínho da Mourisca_08022020
JPedroso Photography: dawning (Magoito)
JPedroso Photography: Magoito_19092020IMG_6734
JPedroso Photography: Magoito_19092020
JPedroso Photography: Magoito_29112020
JPedroso Photography: Caxias_15112020
JPedroso Photography: 149_Magoito maré_13122020
JPedroso Photography: Adraga_18072020
JPedroso Photography: 4830_Abano_06042019
JPedroso Photography: Where the sky and sea, together, meets the land (looking from the east)
JPedroso Photography: the coast never sleeps
JPedroso Photography: enseada rochosa
JPedroso Photography: a light connection
JPedroso Photography: intersection
JPedroso Photography: 3582_Ribeira D'Ilhas
JPedroso Photography: 0253_Moínho da Mourisca
JPedroso Photography: Moínho da Mourisca
JPedroso Photography: Magoito_06062020
JPedroso Photography: Magoito [IV]
JPedroso Photography: Vista p/ Guincho
JPedroso Photography: Praia da Empa
JPedroso Photography: edge of the beach
JPedroso Photography: 046_Praia da Arriba_23092021
JPedroso Photography: top of the hill