robertinRI: DSC05888
robertinRI: DSC05890
robertinRI: DSC05895
robertinRI: Legions
robertinRI: Six Special Children
robertinRI: Legions on Legions
robertinRI: Legions of Children
robertinRI: Incense
robertinRI: Statue washing
robertinRI: Legions of Children
robertinRI: Tall Pine
robertinRI: Wild Rose
robertinRI: Bamboo
robertinRI: Threesome
robertinRI: Incense
robertinRI: Prayer cards
robertinRI: The cave at Hasedera
robertinRI: Great Buddha
robertinRI: Great Buddha
robertinRI: Great Buddha's Temple
robertinRI: Great Buddha
robertinRI: Great Buddha's Temple
robertinRI: Great Buddha
robertinRI: Poster
robertinRI: Ton Tan in Kamakura