C_Elena: moscow
C_Elena: moscow
C_Elena: Tree of locks
C_Elena: Holes over the Red square
C_Elena: ***
C_Elena: Red square. Autumn
C_Elena: GUM
C_Elena: GUM
C_Elena: from the bridge.
C_Elena: not the same
C_Elena: morning lightening
C_Elena: morning lightening
C_Elena: two on the bridge
C_Elena: two on the bridge (2)
C_Elena: old soviet phone
C_Elena: main shop of Moscow
C_Elena: ***
C_Elena: ***
C_Elena: the sky
C_Elena: the sky
C_Elena: Царицыно
C_Elena: Царицыно (2)
C_Elena: ***
C_Elena: ...
C_Elena: ...
C_Elena: ...