LovingLife#: Jesus visiting my hometown in the Twilight
LovingLife#: Earthenware
LovingLife#: Icon, Abraham the Wise
LovingLife#: Benedictine Abbey of Mount Caesar at Dusk in Autumn
LovingLife#: May Tree, Louvain, Belgium
LovingLife#: Spring Evening Scent
LovingLife#: Be seated, sir
LovingLife#: Earth, Moon and Church
LovingLife#: Brussels in the year of the Climate Youth Revolt
LovingLife#: After the Climate March
LovingLife#: Brussels Fountain
LovingLife#: Town Hill
LovingLife#: Zeus abducting Europe (Belgium, Rik Poot)
LovingLife#: No time to waste
LovingLife#: Hunting exposed
LovingLife#: Tower of the Abbey
LovingLife#: Klein Begijnhof, Louvain, Belgium
LovingLife#: Beeld van de bevrijde, trotse, open minded vrouw