LovingLife#: Paard peinzend, 2016
LovingLife#: Bull- Stier
LovingLife#: Buffalo
LovingLife#: Sneeuwluipaard
LovingLife#: Bleshoen
LovingLife#: The Happy Single Tree (Edited)
LovingLife#: Fellow
LovingLife#: Morning Mood
LovingLife#: Another Soul made glad...
LovingLife#: Happy with them Angels called Dogs
LovingLife#: Living near the Edge
LovingLife#: Red Deer Fallows end of may early morning excursion Wicklow Mountains N.P.
LovingLife#: ARCHIBALD THORBURN - Blackbird 2
LovingLife#: Winter guest / Beauty is Here
LovingLife#: Dog owners meeting
LovingLife#: Good Night!
LovingLife#: Fellow Alert
LovingLife#: Frêle bloempje in de herfstzon
LovingLife#: Purity in the Family
LovingLife#: Proud Mother
LovingLife#: walking path
LovingLife#: Water rail
LovingLife#: Work Horse Waiting