zavar_vera: Durga temple in Aihole
zavar_vera: Durga temple, view from the southwest
zavar_vera: The west facade of Durga temple
zavar_vera: Vishnu with his consorts, Bhudevi and Shridevi
zavar_vera: The south facade of Durga temple
zavar_vera: Durga temple, view from the southeast
zavar_vera: Pillars of Durga temple are decorated with sculptures of amorous couples
zavar_vera: The east facade of Durga temple
zavar_vera: Durga temple decoration
zavar_vera: Dvarapala on the entrance pillar
zavar_vera: IMG_3219a
zavar_vera: Amorous couple
zavar_vera: Amorous couples on the pillar of Durga temple
zavar_vera: Amorous couple in the interior of open mandapa of Durga temple
zavar_vera: Amorous couple
zavar_vera: IMG_3215a
zavar_vera: Circumambulatory
zavar_vera: Harihara
zavar_vera: Harihara
zavar_vera: Sculpture of Durga in the niche
zavar_vera: Durga as Mahishasuramardini
zavar_vera: Varaha
zavar_vera: Varaha
zavar_vera: Vishnu with Garuda
zavar_vera: Sculpture of Narasimha in the circumambulatory
zavar_vera: Narasimha
zavar_vera: Shiva
zavar_vera: Stone grille with swastika motifs
zavar_vera: Stone grille with lotus flower in the middle
zavar_vera: Stone grille