zavar_vera: Khoja Zaynuddin Mosque and Khanqah
zavar_vera: Iwan of Khoja Zaynuddin Mosque
zavar_vera: Carved wooden ceiling of iwan
zavar_vera: Ornament of the carved wooden ceiling
zavar_vera: Mihrab
zavar_vera: Painting of the dome
zavar_vera: Decoration of the vaults
zavar_vera: Blue and gold of the muqarnas of the dome
zavar_vera: IMG_7581a
zavar_vera: IMG_7628a
zavar_vera: Glased tile mosaic
zavar_vera: Lower part of the walls is covered with tiles
zavar_vera: Multicolored tile mosaic
zavar_vera: IMG_7634a
zavar_vera: Decorative muqarnas painted in kundal technique
zavar_vera: Painting in kundal technique - blue and gold
zavar_vera: IMG_7584a
zavar_vera: Muqarnas