zavar_vera: Saint Nicholas church. The north facade.
zavar_vera: The Church of St. Nicholas of the Roof
zavar_vera: View from the northwest
zavar_vera: The east facade
zavar_vera: Frescoes of the altar apse
zavar_vera: Interior of the temple
zavar_vera: Church of Saint Nicholas of the Roof. Interior.
zavar_vera: Frescoes of the vaults and the dome
zavar_vera: Christ Pantocrator in the dome
zavar_vera: Nativity of Christ and Saint Nicholas
zavar_vera: Saint Nicholas
zavar_vera: Christ Eleimon
zavar_vera: Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Merciful
zavar_vera: Saint Theodore and Saint George
zavar_vera: Annunciation
zavar_vera: Nativity of Christ
zavar_vera: Presentation of Christ at the Temple
zavar_vera: Presentation of Christ at the Temple. Detail.
zavar_vera: Presentation of Christ at the Temple. Detail.
zavar_vera: Entry of Christ into Jerusalem
zavar_vera: Transfiguration and Raising of Lazarus
zavar_vera: Raising of Lazarus
zavar_vera: Crucifixion
zavar_vera: Crucifixion
zavar_vera: Myrrhbearers at Christ's Grave
zavar_vera: Descent of Christ into Hell
zavar_vera: Ascension
zavar_vera: The Virgin Hodegetria
zavar_vera: The Virgin Hodegetria
zavar_vera: Presentation of the Virgin to the Temple