zavar_vera: Hagia Sophia, Trabzon
zavar_vera: Church of Hagia Sophia
zavar_vera: Noth facade
zavar_vera: The north portico
zavar_vera: View from the nothwest
zavar_vera: South facade
zavar_vera: West portico
zavar_vera: Capital
zavar_vera: Capital of the west portico
zavar_vera: Capital of a column of the west portico
zavar_vera: A bird on the marble carved capitel
zavar_vera: IMG_6406a
zavar_vera: IMG_4936a
zavar_vera: View from the southeast
zavar_vera: IMG_4954a
zavar_vera: Apses
zavar_vera: Vindow decoration of the atar apse
zavar_vera: View from the south
zavar_vera: Stone carving of the south timpan
zavar_vera: Stone carving
zavar_vera: Eve and the Serpent
zavar_vera: Eagle
zavar_vera: Stone carving. Detail.
zavar_vera: Ornamental motive with animals
zavar_vera: Ornament with a deer
zavar_vera: IMG_4950a
zavar_vera: Mosaic decoration of the south portico
zavar_vera: Nartex of the church
zavar_vera: Frescoes of the nartex vaults
zavar_vera: Fresco of the vaults