traveller_from_Germany: Dalwhinnie Distillery, Scotland
traveller_from_Germany: South Beach Miami - street scene
traveller_from_Germany: after the storm
traveller_from_Germany: evening at the Gulf of Mexico
traveller_from_Germany: egret taking off
traveller_from_Germany: street scene Miami
traveller_from_Germany: evening at Loch Assynt
traveller_from_Germany: tropic thunder
traveller_from_Germany: faces and flowers
traveller_from_Germany: endless beach....
traveller_from_Germany: Angkor Wat - panorama in black and white
traveller_from_Germany: Washington DC - into the light?
traveller_from_Germany: tropic thunder
traveller_from_Germany: flood rushing in
traveller_from_Germany: and it probably still runs....
traveller_from_Germany: movimiento tango....
traveller_from_Germany: wreck inspection....