Aphersis: Backlight
Aphersis: Elf
Aphersis: Waterfalls
Aphersis: Redcliffe chantry
Aphersis: Glow in the dark
Aphersis: Shadow play
Aphersis: Remorse
Aphersis: Rise and shine!
Aphersis: Purification
Aphersis: Daughter of the Moon
Aphersis: Focused
Aphersis: Casting (comic edition)
Aphersis: Seeker of Truth
Aphersis: Fueling fight
Aphersis: Beware the fire
Aphersis: Nice one, guys!
Aphersis: Stroll
Aphersis: Haven Chantry
Aphersis: Haven Chantry [ALT]
Aphersis: Rough welcome
Aphersis: Regret
Aphersis: Silver night
Aphersis: Looking death in the eye
Aphersis: Redcliffe village
Aphersis: Dorian
Aphersis: Beware the forest
Aphersis: Redcliffe Chantry
Aphersis: Altar
Aphersis: Come to me, Herald
Aphersis: Red Lyrium Cassandra