jayrand1975: The face of a Luna Moth
jayrand1975: Luna Moth
jayrand1975: Small-eyed Sphinx moth
jayrand1975: White Furcula Moth
jayrand1975: Flying Buck
jayrand1975: Buck Moth - wings spread
jayrand1975: White-marked Tussock Moth Hiding
jayrand1975: Eumorpha pandorus – Pandorus Sphinx Moth
jayrand1975: Pandorus Sphinx Moth Profile
jayrand1975: Ailanthus Webworm Moth on Goldenrod
jayrand1975: Io Moth
jayrand1975: Suzuki's Promalactis Moth
jayrand1975: Estigmene acrea – Salt Marsh Moth
jayrand1975: Haematopis grataria – Chickweed Geometer Moth
jayrand1975: Snowberrry Clearwing Moth
jayrand1975: Blind-eyed Sphinx Moth
jayrand1975: Apatelodes torrefacta - Spotted Apatelodes Head on
jayrand1975: Beautiful Wood-nymph Moth
jayrand1975: Giant Leopard Moth
jayrand1975: Banded Tussock Moth (Halysidota tessellaris) - new edit
jayrand1975: Green Leuconycta Moth
jayrand1975: Camo Of the Dark Marathyssa Moth
jayrand1975: Malacosoma disstria – Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth
jayrand1975: Small-eyed Sphinx on Birch
jayrand1975: Eudryas grata – Beautiful Wood-nymph Moth Head on
jayrand1975: Roland's Sallow Moth Head on
jayrand1975: Nemoria bistriaria – Red-fringed Emerald Moth
jayrand1975: Hickory Tussock Moth
jayrand1975: Io Moth - automeris io
jayrand1975: Io Moth at rest