lukeingles81: _DSC2501
lukeingles81: _DSC2942
lukeingles81: Dwarf Raspberry
lukeingles81: A mature Sugar Maple near Masse Homestead
lukeingles81: False Solomon's Seal
lukeingles81: Bracken Fern
lukeingles81: Wild Sarsaparilla
lukeingles81: Club Moss
lukeingles81: _DSC2500
lukeingles81: _DSC2483
lukeingles81: Indian Paintbrush
lukeingles81: Indian Paintbrush
lukeingles81: Blueberries and Wintergreen Berries at Au Sable Lighthouse
lukeingles81: Monarch Butterfly on yellow Cosmos
lukeingles81: Monarch Butterfly on yellow Cosmos
lukeingles81: Blueberry Bushes
lukeingles81: Au Sable Lighthouse
lukeingles81: Lake Superior on the way from Log Slide to Au Sable Lighthouse
lukeingles81: A Mature Northern Hardwood-Hemlock-White Pine Patch of Forest
lukeingles81: Log Slide Overlook
lukeingles81: The Morning Hike West from Masse Homestead
lukeingles81: Masse Homestead Backcountry Campsites
lukeingles81: American Redstart
lukeingles81: American Redstart
lukeingles81: Wild Rose on the Au Sable Dunes
lukeingles81: Au Sable Dunes
lukeingles81: Au Sable Dunes
lukeingles81: Masse Homestead Camping Sites
lukeingles81: Beaver Lake area
lukeingles81: Thrush Species singing near Beaver Lake