anytime-anywhere: Свято-Троицкий Александра Свирского монастырь
anytime-anywhere: DSC_2725_1
anytime-anywhere: DSC_2730_1
anytime-anywhere: DSC_2740_1
anytime-anywhere: DSC_4491_1
anytime-anywhere: Svirsky Monastery
anytime-anywhere: Roshino lake
anytime-anywhere: DSC_4510_1
anytime-anywhere: Olgin monastery.
anytime-anywhere: Source of the Volga
anytime-anywhere: DSC_4557_1
anytime-anywhere: Воскресенский собор (Старая Русса) (Рождество 2017 Мороз-35)
anytime-anywhere: Тихвинский Богородичный Успенский мужской монастырь
anytime-anywhere: Тихвинский Богородичный Успенский мужской монастырь
anytime-anywhere: Cathedral of Mary Magdalene (under construction).
anytime-anywhere: Yuriev Monastery. Spassky Cathedral.
anytime-anywhere: St. George's Cathedral St. George Monastery
anytime-anywhere: Holy Cross Cathedral.
anytime-anywhere: Holy Trinity Alexander Svir Monastery
anytime-anywhere: Church of the Intercession with the refectory chamber of the Trinity part of the monastery (1619-1620).
anytime-anywhere: Church of St. John Damascene of the Trinity Monastery (1716-1718)
anytime-anywhere: The belfry of the Trinity part of the monastery (1647-1674)
anytime-anywhere: Trinity Cathedral (1695)