pukashorts: P7141349-Edit Alaskan Bald Eagle
pukashorts: P7141364 Alaskan Bald Eagle
pukashorts: P7141393 Moose - Cow
pukashorts: PA211508 Commorant's Dinner
pukashorts: PA211524 Scratching an Itch or Waving? - You Decide
pukashorts: PA220305
pukashorts: PA220363 Ibis
pukashorts: PA220598 Killdeer
pukashorts: PA220200
pukashorts: PA220828 Sandhill Cranes
pukashorts: PB180708 Sandhill Cranes at Lodi, CA
pukashorts: PB180863 Sandhill Cranes, Lodi, CA
pukashorts: PB180911 Sandhill Cranes, Lodi, CA
pukashorts: P1140058 American Kestrel at Las Gallinas
pukashorts: PB250630 White Tailed Kite
pukashorts: PB250633 White Tailed Kite at Las Gallinas
pukashorts: P4240791 Female Anna's Humming Bird
pukashorts: P4240678 Female Anna's Humming Bird
pukashorts: P5090159 Robin with Worms in Beak in GGP
pukashorts: P5090064 Redtailed Hawk in GGP
pukashorts: P4280404 Adult Female Owl in GGP
pukashorts: P4280253 Adult Male Owl Hooting in GGP
pukashorts: P5060418 Adult Osprey in Geyserville
pukashorts: P5060124 Adult Osprey with Fish in Geyserville
pukashorts: P5060066 Adult Osprey in Geyserville
pukashorts: P4210599 Owlets in GGP
pukashorts: P4210570 Owlets in GGP
pukashorts: P5190007 Female Bald Eagle Inspecting Prey (a Mallard Duck) in the Nest
pukashorts: P5190516
pukashorts: P5190515