uschmidt2283: Frühling
uschmidt2283: Roussillon, Provence, Frankreich, Luberon
uschmidt2283: Thank you for your visits on my side, the nice comments and notes. I wish you much fun while photographing.
uschmidt2283: Thank you for your visits on my side, the nice comments and notes. I wish you much fun while photographing.
uschmidt2283: Thank you for your visits on my side, the nice comments and notes. I wish you much fun while photographing.
uschmidt2283: Thank you for your visits on my side, the nice comments and notes. I wish you much fun while photographing.
uschmidt2283: Dahlie
uschmidt2283: Dahlie
uschmidt2283: Dahlie
uschmidt2283: schneeklöckchen-1-
uschmidt2283: Amaryllis
uschmidt2283: Amaryllis Kollektion 2
uschmidt2283: Traubenhyazinthen
uschmidt2283: Alpenveilchen
uschmidt2283: Tulpe-
uschmidt2283: Mohnblüte im Kornfeld
uschmidt2283: Mohnblütenfeld
uschmidt2283: Sonnenblume im Garten
uschmidt2283: Frühlingsblüher
uschmidt2283: Kalifornischer Mohn
uschmidt2283: Frühling
uschmidt2283: Mandelblüten
uschmidt2283: Knospe der Zierzwiebel
uschmidt2283: Krokus
uschmidt2283: Frühlingsblüher
uschmidt2283: Frühling oder Winter??
uschmidt2283: Winterlinge
uschmidt2283: Tulpenkollektion 1
uschmidt2283: Tulpenkollektion 2