timgoodacre: I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly.
timgoodacre: Just hanging around
timgoodacre: Butterflies... flowers that fly and all but sing.
timgoodacre: Whoa and for my next trick......
timgoodacre: I am not common!
timgoodacre: I am just a sucker for some thistle!
timgoodacre: Hatchling
timgoodacre: Female Meadow Brown Butterfly
timgoodacre: The mighty explorer!
timgoodacre: I'd be a butterfly born in a bower.
timgoodacre: Beyond this next mountain...
timgoodacre: Pollinating a grey world
timgoodacre: The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity.
timgoodacre: Happiness is a butterfly!
timgoodacre: Intrepidly he......
timgoodacre: There are truly Fairies at the bottom of the garden!
timgoodacre: The mighty explorer
timgoodacre: Intrepidly he......
timgoodacre: Incoming
timgoodacre: Love is in the air
timgoodacre: Just chilling
timgoodacre: On a blades edge
timgoodacre: Up close and personal
timgoodacre: Dragon taking a rest.
timgoodacre: Migrant Hawker close up.
timgoodacre: Love is in the air! (Amour)
timgoodacre: Up close and personal with Smaug!
timgoodacre: Here there be Dragons
timgoodacre: 'Pit stop' A short rest for a weary Dragon
timgoodacre: 'Love on a blades edge'