matt.harmston: It might be cold, but the moon is worth it
matt.harmston: A full moon under smokey skies
matt.harmston: Kids, dogs, and the ISS
matt.harmston: MallinCam 8" f/4 Newt on Losmandy G11g
matt.harmston: 80mm SkyWatcher/CG-4 with 203mm MallinCam/Losmandy G11G
matt.harmston: 10" MallinCam VRC - CF on Losmandy G11G
matt.harmston: scope dolley
matt.harmston: 20191012_123156
matt.harmston: 16" dob circa 2013
matt.harmston: 30 inch Optical Mechanics dob circa 2010
matt.harmston: SkyShed with all the gear...
matt.harmston: SkyShed pod with CGEPro, 8" newt