matt.harmston: leo triplet 25sec x5 50% gain gamma 70
matt.harmston: leo trip 5 to 35 sec hcg 2x2 gamma 70 gain max avg 10 f9 adj
matt.harmston: leo trip UNPROCESSED 5 to 35 sec hcg 2x2 gamma 70 gain max avg 10 f9
matt.harmston: leo trip 9 sec gain 73 hcg slightly processed
matt.harmston: Processed leo triplet 2x2 lcg 15 20 25 30 40 60 90 150 gain 86 and 71 gamma 76 f4 add of all three
matt.harmston: Unprocessed leo triplet 2x2 lcg 15 20 25 30 40 60 90 150 gain 86 and 71 gamma 76 f4
matt.harmston: leo triplet 2x2 lcg 15 20 25 30 40 60 90 150 gain 86 and 71 gamma 76 f4 add of all three 2
matt.harmston: leo triplet 9 sec gain 44 avg 73 2x2 hcg f6 100mm PS
matt.harmston: leo triplet 9 sec gain 44 avg 73 2x2 hcg f6 100mm
matt.harmston: leo triplet 15 20 25 sec avg 35 2x2 hcg lhdr f6-9 100mm orion PS
matt.harmston: M65 14 23 44 55 sec lhdr avg 45 gain 60 lhdr hcg 10in f5-2
matt.harmston: DS26cTEC Leo Triplet 20 sec avg 62 gain 100 gamma pt7 hcr f4-7 z61 PScrop
matt.harmston: Autosave leo triplet f7 30 sec avg 17 firstlightps