d.kevan: Birthday Card 2/1/20, my flat, Prosperidad. My neghbourhood Madrid
d.kevan: Greeting cards on sale in Wyanga Park Winery, Lakes Entrance, Gippsland, Victoria
d.kevan: Label on Wyanga Park wine bottle, Wyanga Park Winery, Lakes Entrance, Gippsland, Victoria
d.kevan: Siberian Tiger, present for contributing to WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
d.kevan: Looking down at a prowling cat, near the wall,Calle Hospitalillo, Buitrago de Lozoya, Madrid
d.kevan: A crouching cat in the streets of Cudillero, Asturias, Spain
d.kevan: Ginger Tom ignoring us! Ares
d.kevan: A cat on the cobbles, Las Murallas Arabe/The Arab Walls/Parque del Emir Muhammed I, Madrid
d.kevan: A Tiger in the Galician Jungle, Caaveiro Monastery, Las Fragas Natural Park, La Coruña, Galicia, Spain
d.kevan: Cat on the roof, Calle Anzuola, Prosperidad, My neighbourhood, Madrid
d.kevan: Cat, Detail of weather vane, Saint Matilda, (1907) Calle Lopez de Hoyos, Prosperidad, My Neighbourhood, Madrid
d.kevan: Cat on the roof, Calle Anzuola, 5, Prosperidad, My neighbourhood, Madrid
d.kevan: A stretchy Lynx at home. Feb 2020
d.kevan: Lynx on the carpet.
d.kevan: Lynx, on the sofa, my brother is his human, Feb 2020
d.kevan: "The World of the Gonda" Giant Cat NGV International, St Kilda Rd, Melbourne
d.kevan: About the giant cat and the artist! NGV Australia
d.kevan: Hickory Dickory Dock, nursery rhyme on tin
d.kevan: Modern Moggies
d.kevan: Fantastic Felines on a shelf, my flat
d.kevan: Wendy looking more peaceful
d.kevan: Wine label, Wyanga Park Winery, Lakes Entrance, Gippsland, Victoria
d.kevan: Kitsch Kats
d.kevan: Cat and Cross, Saint Matilda, (1907) Calle Lopez de Hoyos, Prosperidad, My Neighbourhood, Madrid
d.kevan: Andy Warhol sketch of Happy Cat
d.kevan: Three cats and a kitten, by A WeiWei
d.kevan: Tobi helping Judith with the jigsaw puzzle, Galicia
d.kevan: Tobi and Xeri flat out on Judith's bed, Galicia
d.kevan: My friend's cat, his name is Betun which means "Bootblack" or shoe polish!
d.kevan: Neko on Fence! Niece's house, Frankston