MikeTibbotts: Golden hour Barn Owl
MikeTibbotts: Golden hour Barn Owl
MikeTibbotts: Golden hour Barn Owl
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl at dusk
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl at dusk
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl coming out to feed at dusk
MikeTibbotts: BO emerging DSC_4487_1-2
MikeTibbotts: DSC_4661_1-2
MikeTibbotts: DSC_4660_1-2
MikeTibbotts: DSC_4220_1-2
MikeTibbotts: Little Owl
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl hunting
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl hunting
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl hunting
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl hunting
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl with mouse
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl hunting
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl with mouse
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl on a misty morning
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl at dawn
MikeTibbotts: Barn owl hunting on a frosty morning
MikeTibbotts: Barn Owl
MikeTibbotts: Tawny Owl
MikeTibbotts: Tawny Owl
MikeTibbotts: Melanistic Barn owl
MikeTibbotts: Great Grey Owl
MikeTibbotts: Great Grey Owl
MikeTibbotts: Great Grey Owl