Philosopher with a camera: Wandering garter snakes (Thamnophis elegans vagrans)
Philosopher with a camera: Valley garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi)
Philosopher with a camera: Western yellow-bellied racer (Coluber constrictor mormon) in shed
Philosopher with a camera: Gopher snake (Pituophis catenifer)
Philosopher with a camera: Ring-necked snake (Diadophis punctatus)
Philosopher with a camera: Great basin rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus lutosus)
Philosopher with a camera: Mojave rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus)
Philosopher with a camera: Sidewinder (Crotalus cerastes)
Philosopher with a camera: Midget faded rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus concolor)
Philosopher with a camera: Night snake (Hypsiglena torquata)
Philosopher with a camera: Glossy snake (Arizona elegans)
Philosopher with a camera: Great basin collared lizard (Crotaphytus bicinctores)
Philosopher with a camera: Yellow backed spiny lizard (Sceloporus uniformis)
Philosopher with a camera: Desert spiny lizard (Sceloporus magister)
Philosopher with a camera: Sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus)
Philosopher with a camera: Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis)
Philosopher with a camera: Plateau Fence Lizard (Sceloporus tristichus)
Philosopher with a camera: Greater short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma hernandesi)
Philosopher with a camera: Western whiptail (Cnemidophorus tigris)
Philosopher with a camera: Zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides)
Philosopher with a camera: Side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana)
Philosopher with a camera: Ornate tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus)
Philosopher with a camera: Chuckwalla (Sauromalus ater)
Philosopher with a camera: Western skink (Plestiodon skiltonianus)
Philosopher with a camera: Western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus)
Philosopher with a camera: Juvenile mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
Philosopher with a camera: Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta)
Philosopher with a camera: Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)
Philosopher with a camera: Pacific treefrog (Pseudacris regilla)
Philosopher with a camera: Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris)