jacqueline.cherfils: . before the earthquake
jacqueline.cherfils: .Hot tea with Madame Gurung at her place
jacqueline.cherfils: .the god of small things
jacqueline.cherfils: .nepali sakura
jacqueline.cherfils: .the good lodge keeper
jacqueline.cherfils: .every doorway tells a story
jacqueline.cherfils: .the best view comes after the hardest climb
jacqueline.cherfils: .he may have few possessions but his little dog makes him rich
jacqueline.cherfils: .lunch hour is the best hour of the day
jacqueline.cherfils: .one day he will rule the city
jacqueline.cherfils: .wars not make one great *
jacqueline.cherfils: .a house built to defy quakes
jacqueline.cherfils: .at Sun Kumari’s place
jacqueline.cherfils: .spiders don't obey
jacqueline.cherfils: .the way of the world*
jacqueline.cherfils: .Aitemaya in her kitchen
jacqueline.cherfils: .blue is sky, white is air, red is fire, green is water, yellow is earth
jacqueline.cherfils: .from time to time, go to some place you have never been before*
jacqueline.cherfils: .the path to the monastery
jacqueline.cherfils: .mist or dream
jacqueline.cherfils: .cup of tea, cup of peace
jacqueline.cherfils: .wise man in orange raincoat
jacqueline.cherfils: .these shoes are made for jumpin'
jacqueline.cherfils: .vegetal mountaineers