Laurence P Williams: Buckingham Palace - Her Maj away I thought, but I'm not sure of the Standard-flying protocol....
Laurence P Williams: 'Mr Glum', the poor chap - Buckingham Palace
Laurence P Williams: A few signs that this poor chap has had enough...., - Buckingham Palace
Laurence P Williams: Buckingham Palace
Laurence P Williams: Buckingham Palace
Laurence P Williams: Buckingham Palace
Laurence P Williams: St James's Park
Laurence P Williams: St James's Park
Laurence P Williams: St James's Park
Laurence P Williams: Surely not ? ! - St James's Park
Laurence P Williams: I stand corrected ! - St James's Park
Laurence P Williams: I stand corrected ! - St James's Park
Laurence P Williams: Horse Guards Parade
Laurence P Williams: Westminster Abbey
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum
Laurence P Williams: Victoria and Albert Museum