andre dos santos: crosswalk
Clay Kippen: Img333
Admanchester: NYC Snow
nicksantan: "Sweet Film"
cisc1970: Downtown, NY
Sanjay Sen: Manhattan Bridge
lwh50: NYC (2010)
12th St David: Up and Away
lepoSs: ClarkStreet Station, New York, Brooklyn
Rafakoy: Dusk at Brooklyn Bridge Park
Rafakoy: The sleepy city that never sleeps
k_dellaquila: 20121215_006
12th St David: East River
Evan Tchelepi: NYC Eatery
Padraeg: Matin d'hiver - La chambre au loup
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Cinestill 800T Film Landscape
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Hasselblad XPan + Cinestill 800T
12th St David: all times
12th St David: FF92: Straight Teeth in 6 Months
12th St David: Booth
nigelrumsey: 'Pelham Bay trains express in The Bronx'