leobrycemartin1: New OHLE Masts
leobrycemartin1: New masts over bridge
leobrycemartin1: New masts West of Tilehurst
leobrycemartin1: HST under modern wires
leobrycemartin1: GWR 166 DMU passing under the new OHLE's
leobrycemartin1: XC 220/221 speeding along the newly electrified section
leobrycemartin1: GWR HST Speeding along the newly electrified section
leobrycemartin1: Looking West from Purley Hall
leobrycemartin1: Looking West from Purley Hall
leobrycemartin1: Westbury Lane Access Point
leobrycemartin1: Looking West from Westbury Lane
leobrycemartin1: New GWML Electrification a Gantry at Ruscombe.
leobrycemartin1: Great Western Electrification - Pangbourne Station
leobrycemartin1: Great Western Electrification - Pangbourne Station
leobrycemartin1: Great Western Electrification - Pangbourne Station
leobrycemartin1: Great Western Electrification - Pangbourne Station
leobrycemartin1: Great Western Electrification - Lower Basildon