Midnightsonn@gmail.com: cottage beach_edited-1
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Surtsey, Iceland. 1964
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Surtsey 1964. Iceland
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Colgate university
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Down town Hamilton, N.Y.
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: the neighbors across the valley
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: The dairy farm at the top of the hill
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Avery Rd. looking south
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Francisco Morizon
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Colgate University
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: the improved airport
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: lake Moraine looking S.E.
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: The wreck of the Metropolis
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: Elk lake (north) and Torch lake
Midnightsonn@gmail.com: elk lake skegemog and torch lake