A tramp in the hills:
Im getting sick of this.
A tramp in the hills:
Seriously funny.
A tramp in the hills:
Something different.
A tramp in the hills:
New boots for tomorrow,tomorrow is a hill day.
A tramp in the hills:
Tump thumping.
A tramp in the hills:
A tramp in the hills:
Up the junction.
A tramp in the hills:
Angels with dirty faces.
A tramp in the hills:
Diamonds on the water
A tramp in the hills:
Homeward bound.
A tramp in the hills:
Lord Fellsiders.
A tramp in the hills:
This is the place where Goblins dwell.
A tramp in the hills:
Mountain mama.
A tramp in the hills:
An unloved corner.
A tramp in the hills:
Stained glass.
A tramp in the hills:
Birthday present.
A tramp in the hills:
Album of the week[ the return] as sponsored by Lord fellsiders, the money he kindly sends to me will be ploughed back into new vinyl and Cds.
A tramp in the hills:
Those of us that aren't artists must colour things the way they really are or people might think we are stupid.
A tramp in the hills:
Chip at 3 o clock
A tramp in the hills:
Dont worry, just leave it there.
A tramp in the hills:
Mother and daughter.
A tramp in the hills:
Fellsiders manor.
A tramp in the hills:
It's been an afternoon of interesting skies.
A tramp in the hills:
The Barnsley Nightingale.
A tramp in the hills:
Clean for the Queen.
A tramp in the hills:
It's a bit different.
A tramp in the hills:
Slapped wrist.
A tramp in the hills:
One more shift and i am on holiday.
A tramp in the hills:
Meet Cribbins..
A tramp in the hills:
The lowest of the low.