senguptapulak: Birds of a feather.... , Chandipur Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Take off! Chandipur Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Irritated octagenerian!
senguptapulak: Photographer in the eye of the target! Chandipur beach, Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Holiday , Chandipur Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Masanjor Reservoir, Jharkhand India
senguptapulak: A piece of Pyramid, Durgapuja 2017,Kolkata,India
senguptapulak: Disgusted with life! Araku Valley India
senguptapulak: This far and no further1! Chandipur, Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Fishing is over for the day! Chandipur(Dogra Beach), Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Natural painting on the beach- Chandipur, Odisha, India
senguptapulak: Sillhouette- home return, Chandipur,Odissa, India
senguptapulak: The moonlit magic!
senguptapulak: Work is over for the day!
senguptapulak: Move fast, the Sun is setting!
senguptapulak: Macro magic resting , Araku Valley, India
senguptapulak: Stack of mountains, Araku Valley, India
senguptapulak: Time to have some food! Araku Valley1, India
senguptapulak: Face the Indian Western India
senguptapulak: Hope against hope!(low)