jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Girl at the Park
jmaciel83: Downtown Tampa Morning
jmaciel83: Al Lopez Golden Hour
jmaciel83: Al Lopez Fishing Pier
jmaciel83: Tampa Museum of Art
jmaciel83: University of Tampa
jmaciel83: Downtown Tampa
jmaciel83: PSX_20151026_104339
jmaciel83: PSX_20151101_112746
jmaciel83: PSX_20151031_082939
jmaciel83: Steinbrenner Field
jmaciel83: Sidewalk in the Fall
jmaciel83: PSX_20151101_112226
jmaciel83: Children's Cancer Memorial
jmaciel83: Lavender Flowers
jmaciel83: 20151028_222856-02-01-01-01
jmaciel83: joshmaciel1
jmaciel83: joshmaciel3
jmaciel83: My 1999 CBR 600 F4