LibbyW: Scout has a feathery pink Christmas tree in her room.
LibbyW: The lights were haphazardly placed in record time. And there's a reason all the ornaments are clustered between 32 and 36 inches. But her sister thinks it's perfect.
LibbyW: Thankful for these two turkeys.
LibbyW: Snowy morning. Not her first snow since it snowed like crazy the day after she came home last February. N
LibbyW: She woke up singing "Do you wanna build a snowman?" She was sorely disappointed by the powdery snow that was no good for snowman making.
LibbyW: Don't let those smiles fool you. It's been all crank all day. And get #Verizon, see that blurry picture? Where's my new phone dammit?
LibbyW: Scout and Olive
LibbyW: Scout and Olive 05
LibbyW: Matching jams.
LibbyW: Scout and Olive 03
LibbyW: Olive
LibbyW: "What is this nonsense?" says Olive.
LibbyW: Mondays are for dancin'.
LibbyW: Sisters. And why is that one standing already?
LibbyW: Family selfie attempt. There's a baby on my back.
LibbyW: I was just thinking that what that outfit needed was a Daniel Tiger sweater.
LibbyW: We accidentally went to a pep rally. She loved the band. Her sister did not. Go Hawks!
LibbyW: Still has dimples. Not afraid to use them.
LibbyW: Every girl needs a canine BFF.
LibbyW: We are suffering from a 4th of July hangover after too much fun yesterday and not a drop to drink. Epic meltdowns abound.
LibbyW: Rainy Day 03
LibbyW: Workin' it...
LibbyW: Style.
LibbyW: In her Easter bonnet ...
LibbyW: Matching dresses and scary hugs.
LibbyW: Iowish Sisters.
LibbyW: Mardi Gras bebe
LibbyW: Big sister isn't quite sure....yet
LibbyW: Ended with a monkey jumping on the bed.
LibbyW: It started with books.