nerd.bird: Cracked and Peeled
nerd.bird: School House Lock
nerd.bird: Weathered Window
nerd.bird: Weathered Window
nerd.bird: Abandoned School House South
nerd.bird: Abandoned School House North
nerd.bird: gnarly tree eats fence
nerd.bird: Birnbeck Pier
nerd.bird: aptly named
nerd.bird: Gloucester Docks 5
nerd.bird: Gloucester Docks 4
nerd.bird: Gloucester Docks 11
nerd.bird: a forgotten corner
nerd.bird: Talmine Seamist
nerd.bird: Talmine4
nerd.bird: Parting Company
nerd.bird: Birnbeck Pier Turnstile Detail
nerd.bird: Birnbeck Pier Turnstile
nerd.bird: Birnbeck Pier
nerd.bird: Camping Anyone?
nerd.bird: Abandoned to the Elements
nerd.bird: Brighton West Pier
nerd.bird: chapel of ruins
nerd.bird: Sailing on the perilous sea of time
nerd.bird: Sailing on the perilous sea of time
nerd.bird: Sailing on the perilous sea of time
nerd.bird: A view of Gloucester cathedral...from the old rail yard
nerd.bird: A fence in Gloucester
nerd.bird: The Monks Bar, Under The Fleece Hotel
nerd.bird: Teasel Cathedral