greghartman271: 12-30-15 - Joy high up on Klapperthal in the fog
greghartman271: 12-22-15 - Chase and Joy at the lake
greghartman271: 8-20-15 - Chase - B&W
greghartman271: 8-19-15 - Klapperthal scene - B&W
greghartman271: 8-6-15 - Log farrmhouse interior
greghartman271: 7-28-15 Summer steam in the uplands
greghartman271: 7-23-15 - Joy pointing in the brook
greghartman271: 7-23-15 - Chase in the trout stream
greghartman271: 7-9-15 - Joy Afield - 2
greghartman271: 5-27-15 - Joy in the creek - 2
greghartman271: 5-23-15 - Chase Pointing
greghartman271: 5-13-15 - Chase Afield - 3 color
greghartman271: 5-2-5 - Chase at the lake - color
greghartman271: 5-2-5 - Dig Dig Dig - 2
greghartman271: 4-28-15 - Dog Ballet - 1
greghartman271: 4-28-15 - Dog Ballet - 4
greghartman271: 4-28-15 - Dog Ballet - 5
greghartman271: 4-28-15 - Chase watching incoming duck - 1
greghartman271: 4-22-15 - April Sky - 3
greghartman271: 4-22-15 - The Ford - 1
greghartman271: 4-22-15 - Wild Geese Landing- 5
greghartman271: 4-22-15 - Chase in the lake - B&W1
greghartman271: 4-22-15 - Chase in the duck pond - 1
greghartman271: 4-11-15 - Dog Ballet - 18
greghartman271: 4-11-15 - Dog Ballet - 6
greghartman271: 4-8-15 - Joy at Blue Marsh - 1
greghartman271: 4-1-15 - Joy in the brook
greghartman271: 3-19-15 - Chase By The Lake - B&W1
greghartman271: 2-28-15 - Blue Marsh - 8
greghartman271: 2-28-15 - Blue Marsh - 7