greghartman271: Scouting Day - Chasing Phez - 9-19-07
greghartman271: Scouting Day - Where can we hunt - 9-19-07
greghartman271: Matt with Maggie and non-productive point - 9-20-07
greghartman271: Third Hunt - 9-21-07 - Maggie of the Prairie
greghartman271: Fourth Hunt - 9-22-07 - What I see at lunch
greghartman271: Fifth Hunt - 9-23-07 - Excalibur and skull
greghartman271: Sixth Hunt - 9-25-07 - Maggie and me
greghartman271: Eighth Hunt - 9-27-07 - Chase retrieves chicken
greghartman271: Eighth Hunt - 9-27-07 - Maggie, Chase and chicken - 1
greghartman271: Ninth Hunt - 9-28-07 - Chase of the high plains
greghartman271: Ninth Hunt - 9-28-07 - Tired Dawgs
greghartman271: Ninth Hunt - 9-28-07 - Prairie Fire - 1
greghartman271: Eleventh Hunt - 10-1-07 - Two dogs - two chickens
greghartman271: Trip home - Maggie at the wheel - 10-4-07