greghartman271: Bryan's Hunt 1-4-06 - A two dawg point
greghartman271: Scratch hunt 1-6-07 - Maggie retrieving chukar
greghartman271: last hunt - 3-8-07 - chase with last cockbird
greghartman271: Dove Hunting - 9-1-07 - 3a
greghartman271: Blue Marsh - 10-31-07 - Me and the Dawgs
greghartman271: Hunt 2007 - 11-17-08 - By the Springhouse - 3
greghartman271: Scratch Hunt - 12-1-07 - Chase and Quail
greghartman271: Christmas Hunt - Down by the spring house
greghartman271: chase and maggie at the springhouse - 2-17-07
greghartman271: last hunt - 3-8-07 - maggie's retrieve - 2