landjane: Alice's drawings of mum's collections
landjane: Alice's drawing
landjane: Contents of the comic
landjane: Alice's ecover
landjane: Anne and Alice ECOVER
landjane: Intellicat
landjane: Intellicat
landjane: Alice's cat
landjane: Intelli cat
landjane: Intelli cat dislikes coffee but likes art
landjane: Club logo
landjane: RSPB drawing activities
landjane: Alice choosing the right stitch
landjane: Getting started
landjane: Alice's finished bag
landjane: Alice and her Degas (Grandmother) making a field bag
landjane: Alice - very busy!
landjane: Garden table
landjane: Finished product
landjane: preparing the jars
landjane: Alice's field bag
landjane: production line
landjane: Alice's bag ready to go
landjane: in the pressure cooker
landjane: Field bag
landjane: Memory stick and holder made by Alice
landjane: Ready to go
landjane: top shredding team
landjane: shredding