gshaun12: magic
gshaun12: harris1
gshaun12: Diving kingfisher : Today I shortened the wings and completely changed the tail then made a small temporary stand not sure about how the final base will be yet so many ideas in my head 😊
gshaun12: Work in progress this has taken two days so far I plan to make a mirror finish base sculpted like water with the bottom part of the kingfishers beak attaching give the look of diving for lunch. All made by me at home in high grade stainless steel
gshaun12: sparrart
gshaun12: disglow ball
gshaun12: bluetit
gshaun12: robin red
gshaun12: duckident art
gshaun12: robin art
gshaun12: dreamdrop
gshaun12: Bee-utiful
gshaun12: bee-spoke
gshaun12: droppy
gshaun12: Bird of prey !
gshaun12: winter comp pic 1
gshaun12: Ready or not
gshaun12: They’re real!!!
gshaun12: Lift off
gshaun12: frog
gshaun12: catart
gshaun12: Gerbera’s made by me
gshaun12: Recycle of life
gshaun12: Justfinedesign made by me
gshaun12: spider in my garden possibly a cucumber spider
gshaun12: Titillation
gshaun12: Majestic crow
gshaun12: young starling
gshaun12: hiding spider