georg19621: Morning after the party
georg19621: One Espresso please
georg19621: Dancing in the light
georg19621: Die Fee
georg19621: I don't believe that there is someting interesting up there
georg19621: Shades of Labin
georg19621: Paris, looking for orientation
georg19621: Scenes from Oktoberfest 2015
georg19621: Oslo, Opera Walk
georg19621: The model - picutes in the sun
georg19621: Who is following me?
georg19621: Church punks posing
georg19621: Nuns on the way back
georg19621: Subway station Oslo
georg19621: The view of the king
georg19621: On the bridge
georg19621: The photographer coming back from work
georg19621: A shopping break
georg19621: Running girl
georg19621: On her way
georg19621: Face to face
georg19621: Controlling the train
georg19621: Having a Cigarette
georg19621: Bosporus fishing
georg19621: Sonne im Burghof
georg19621: Saturday walk
georg19621: In and out
georg19621: Auf den Spuren des Wildunger Wassers