John Dempster:
Elin Carolyn Robbie Wilma Bill 2
John Dempster:
Elin Carolyn Robbie Wilma Bill
John Dempster:
Elin Carolyn Robbie Wilma john
John Dempster:
Robbie Elin and Hamish
John Dempster:
John Dempster:
Bill west kilbride glen
John Dempster:
gregor & carolyn
John Dempster:
Sail boats
John Dempster:
Arran from above West Killbride
John Dempster:
Arran from west kilbride shore
John Dempster:
Carolyn lookingh down the clyde 2
John Dempster:
Carolyn lookingh down the clyde
John Dempster:
Ferry in firth of Clyde
John Dempster:
Firth of Clyde panorama
John Dempster:
Gergor Bill Robbie John
John Dempster:
Gregor & robbie
John Dempster:
John Dempster:
lookingh down the clyde
John Dempster:
Robbie on Cairn & Bill
John Dempster:
Robbie on cairn
John Dempster:
Sail boat 2
John Dempster:
Sail boat
John Dempster:
Transport Museum
John Dempster:
Gregor & Robbie on footplate
John Dempster:
On motor bile video games
John Dempster:
John Dempster:
John Dempster:
John Dempster:
greggor kaeran me carolyn robbie
John Dempster:
gregor birthday cake