jeffrey342: Svalbard Archipelago, Norway
jeffrey342: On Our Way to North Svalbard
jeffrey342: Black-legged Kittake on the Ice
jeffrey342: Artic Expedition-4
jeffrey342: Walrus Family On an Ice Floe
jeffrey342: Artic Expedition-6
jeffrey342: Polar Bear Reflection
jeffrey342: Going for Quick Dip After a Meal
jeffrey342: Artic Expedition-9
jeffrey342: Control Room Ship Engines
jeffrey342: Little Auks In Flight
jeffrey342: Resting Walruses
jeffrey342: I Am The Walrus
jeffrey342: Zodiak to the Nesting Cliffs
jeffrey342: Nesting Guillemots
jeffrey342: Guillemots
jeffrey342: Elusive Artic Fox
jeffrey342: Northern Svalbard
jeffrey342: Austfornna Glacier on Nordaustlandet, Svalbard at One AM
jeffrey342: Landscape and Hunting Cabin Wijdeforden Fjord
jeffrey342: Hunting Cabin Wijdeforden Fjord
jeffrey342: Viewing the Glacier
jeffrey342: Glacier at Wijdeforden Fjord
jeffrey342: Globe in the Ship's Library
jeffrey342: Blue Whale Blow
jeffrey342: Blue Whale Fluke
jeffrey342: Viewing the Glacier
jeffrey342: Are We in the Video?
jeffrey342: Glacier West Svalbard
jeffrey342: Fulmar Emerging From the Fog