Drew Hamilton: 2011-06-30 at 21-03-55
Drew Hamilton: 2011-06-30 at 21-04-22
Drew Hamilton: 2011-07-01 at 14-02-28
Drew Hamilton: IMG_7474
Drew Hamilton: IMG_7384
Drew Hamilton: Floatsam.
Drew Hamilton: Time for the close up.
Drew Hamilton: Waiting game
Drew Hamilton: Hey, I'm sitting here.
Drew Hamilton: Time to stay put.
Drew Hamilton: The eyes have it.
Drew Hamilton: Crazy cubs
Drew Hamilton: Waterfall
Drew Hamilton: Yet another shakeoff
Drew Hamilton: Ghost bear
Drew Hamilton: The long walk home.
Drew Hamilton: Overwhelmed by salmon
Drew Hamilton: Chenik Lake
Drew Hamilton: Flotsam
Drew Hamilton: 2011-07-01 at 13-13-14
Drew Hamilton: 2011-07-01 at 12-19-44
Drew Hamilton: Brown bear
Drew Hamilton: Backlit brown bear
Drew Hamilton: Beluga Air Beaver
Drew Hamilton: Harbor seal
Drew Hamilton: Whoops.
Drew Hamilton: From the hill.
Drew Hamilton: bug in the grass
Drew Hamilton: Go catch dinner.
Drew Hamilton: Intruder