derekhammond503: DSH #1856-E Common Shelduck Island Cove Road, Bay Bulls, Newfoundland.
MindfulnessArt: Portrait d'un chouette automne !
Dancing Snake Nature Photography: _L9A9677 Western Side-blotched (Uta stansburiana) ©Dancing Snake Nature Photography
philippe.s.: A Black-capped Chickadee, enjoying the city once again
nicole le roy91: Black-backed Jackal /Etosha National Park/Namutoni/Namibia
SnappyMac: Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus)
tony.cox27: LITTLE BUSTARD (F)
FDR Photography: Perfection
Hari K Patibanda: A Cotton Pygmy Goose in flight over a large lake
Hari K Patibanda: A Red Breasted Flycatcher on the edge of a city lake
Digital Plume Hunter: [Heavenly herons] Great Egret
Digital Plume Hunter: [Heavenly herons] Great Egret
maudiros: The first shadows of the evening
psp3181964: Barred Owl
patricia.hoedts: Teixidor eurasiàtic - Pajaro moscon europeo - Eurasian penduline tit - Rémiz penduline - Remiz pendulinus
patricia.hoedts: Rossinyol bord comu - Cetia ruisenor - Cetti's warbler - Bouscarle de Cetti - Cettia cetti
nicole le roy91: Lilac -breasted Roller/Etosha National Park
Anirban Sinha 80: Looking Gorgeous...
Alvaro Colombo: Ficedula hypoleuca / Balia nera //European pied flycatcher
Alvaro Colombo: Erinaceus europaeus / Riccio comune / European hedgehog
jenny_usherwood: Saltee Islands
jenny_usherwood: Petworth Park
jenny_usherwood: London Wetland centre
Colin 2013: Grey Wagtail.
Colin 2013: Nuthatch.
maudiros: A very beautiful day
ilikeloons: Haleakalā
ilikeloons: Cardinal