B_L_A_D_E: 10points to Griffendoor
B_L_A_D_E: A walk to Hobbiton
B_L_A_D_E: The Cathedral by day
B_L_A_D_E: Crooked Windows. Shall we use a spirt level
B_L_A_D_E: Not sure of the way to go
B_L_A_D_E: Algae to the max
B_L_A_D_E: Our farther
B_L_A_D_E: Extremely close
B_L_A_D_E: I'm looking down on you
B_L_A_D_E: In the background
B_L_A_D_E: If it rains I'm covered
B_L_A_D_E: Alter of respect
B_L_A_D_E: slipstream
B_L_A_D_E: Little birdy