cmlyneis1: Sandhill Crane Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Sandhill Cranes photoshopped Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: House Finch Staten Island(1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Tundra Swans Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Western Meadow Lark Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Says Phoebe Staten Island 2 (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Great Egret Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Lincoln's Sparrow Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Brewer's Blackbird Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Cackling Goose Staten Island 3 (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: American Pipit Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: Northern Harrier Staten Island (1 of 1)
cmlyneis1: American Herrring Gull Staten Island (1 of 1)